Automate Scorecard Reporting with Command Line Interface in BSC Designer PRO
Use the command line interface to automate scorecard reporting and integrate BSC Designer PRO with another business application.
The interface for the command line is:
[filename] [-export filename] [-overwrite]
Goals and KPIs Report
scorecard_file.bsc -export report.html -goalsandkpis -report-profile %profile_name_or_index%
Where %profile_name_or_index% is 0, 1, 2, or "Custom report name" (with quotes).
Scorecard Performance Report
Specify the start and end date for the report, add -html option:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -date1 01.01.%last-year% -date2 01.11.%last-year% -html -export report.html -overwrite
Export to Excel
"scorecard-file.bsc" -export "report.xls" -overwrite
Export to Excel for Specific Date
To generate a report for a certain date, use this syntax:
"scorecard-file.bsc" -export "report.xls" -overwrite -date 01.24.%last-year%
Note: the date must be according to Windows settings (for example, DD.MM.YYYY or MM.DD.YYYY).
PowerPoint Report
Use the -powerpoint option to generate a PowerPoint report:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -powerpoint -export report.ppt -overwrite
Strategy Map Report
Below is a command line syntax for strategy maps.
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -export PictureFileName -StrategyMap [-StrategyMapPlacement] [-StrategyMapLevel ]
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -export REPORTFILE -allmaps
Export of an existing map:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -export "C:\output-file.jpg" -StrategyMap
Use the -overview option to generate overview report:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -html -export report.html -overwrite -overview
Export of a "snowflake" map:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -export "C:\output-file.jpg" -StrategyMap -StrategyMapPlacement SnowFlake -StrategyMapLevel 1
Export all supported strategy maps:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-file.bsc -export C:\report.html -allmaps
Updating SQL indicators
To update SQL indicators via the command line, use this syntax:
bsc_designer.exe scorecard-with-sql-indicators.bsc -silentsqlupdate